5th Financial Workshop - Milan, Italy

Fifth workshop held to explore the financing of energy efficient step-by-step retrofits

Date: 21st March 2015

Location: Milan, Italy

Attendance: The event has been attended by 45 people. Most of them were designers but there were also: financial institutions, building contractors, students and delegates of public administrations.

The official programme and invitation can be downloaded here (in Italian).

2015 Milan, IT. The fifth EuroPHit Financial Workshop was held within Made Expo (left); Fabio Ferrario from ZEPHIR is presenting at the Workshop (right), Photos © ZEPHIR


Outline Agenda
Francesco Nesi – Introduction
Direttore dell’Istituto ZEPHIR Passivhaus Italia
Fabio Ferrario – Efficientamento energetico del patrimonio esistente italiano: una sfida e un’opportunità per il futuro
Socio Fondatore dell’Istituto ZEPHIR Passivhaus Italia
Klaus Stocker – Come finanziare ed incentivare l’efficienza energetica negli interventi di ristrutturazione
Membro del “Friedrichsdorfer Institut zur Nachhaltigkeit e.V.”
Valter Paoli – Edifici a energia quasi zero: il contributo che possono dare le ESCO
Amministratore Unico Società Servizi Energetici Comunità Montana Vallesabbia
Spazio alle domande e alla discussione


  • Welcome and introduction by Francesco Nesi. He introduced the topics of Nearly Zero Energy Buildings, energy efficient retrofits and EuroPHit project. He also presented all the other speakers.
  • Fabio Ferrario presented the EnerPHit standard and the Passivhaus certification criteria for retrofits. He explained in detail the EuroPHit project and the concept of step-by-step retrofit. More precisely he discussed the following aspects of the EuroPHit project:
  • political background
  • importance of considering energy efficiency also in projects that are retrofitted with a  step-by-step approach
  • EuroPHit case study projects, showing all the different types of building where the EnerPHit standard can be applied.
  • Other activities carried on within EuroPHit: training courses, components developments and dissemination events (conferences and PH days).

Finally he presented a study on the economic convenience of retrofitting a multifamily building to the EnerPHit standard by comparing it with two other solutions: 1. retrofitting the building to the minimum level required by law and 2. retrofitting it by replacing just the components that reached the end of their lifecycle.

  • Klaus Stocker presented the EuroPHit-material on financing models. He explained the promotion of energy efficient buildings, based on the experience in Germany and the promotional system of the EU. He discussed special financial tools to promote energy efficiency, like long term loans and redemption grants, recourse financing, project financing and forfaiting. With regard to the technical aspects of the EuroPhit project he explained what banks need to know about the whole house approach, target values for primary energy, reliable calculation tools and certification systems.
  • Valter Paoli discussed what an ESCO is and explained in which form ESCOs have been developing in Italy. He then introduced “Società Servizi Energetici Comunità Montana Vallesabbia” which is the ESCO he is administrating and the concept of a public ESCO. He showed a case study project of energy efficient retrofit that is going to be financed by this ESCO analysing cash flow and payback time. 

Finally he summarized the existing Italian regulation on energy efficiency and refurbishment, incentives and discussed possible definitions of NZEB that could be applied in Italy.

  • Discussion and questions have been focused mainly on ESCO financing mechanisms and different types of ESCO existing in Italy. Moreover it has been discussed the Italian political situation and possible definitions of NZEB that could be introduced by policy makers.


You can download presentations from Financial workshops or browse other downloadable EuroPHit materials here.