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Passive House Conference back in Darmstadt for its anniversary
Full programme of international event in April available online – registration now open
Darmstadt, Germany. The Passive House is now 25 years old; to celebrate this, the International Passive House Conference is returning to Darmstadt – the city in Germany, in which this success story began. On 22 and 23 April 2016, over a hundred speakers from all over the world will report on the latest projects relating to highly energy efficient construction and retrofits. But the anniversary will also serve as an occasion for a review, with the presentation of results relating to the durability of the individual building components of the first Passive House. Press Release
Conference session programme | Workshops | Excursions
Photo: Darmstadtium, feedback Werbeagentur
Final EuroPHit Newsletter is now out

Component Award for exemplary ventilation concepts for retrofits
Winners to be presented at International Passive House Conference in Darmstadt
Darmstadt, Germany. The winners of the Component Award 2016 for ventilation solutions in residential buildings have been selected. The first prize goes to a concept by the Austrian manufacturer Pichler. A joint second prize will be granted to the Dutch company Vaventis and the Italian firm Michael Tribus Architecture. The approaches for building retrofits selected by an independent jury are not only characterised by a high level of energy efficiency, but also by their economic viability. The presentation of the Award will take place at the 20th International Passive House Conference which is to be held on 22 and 23 April in Darmstadt. Press Release
Climate objectives are realistic with energy efficient buildings
Passive House experts present tried and tested solutions at the COP21 in Paris
Darmstadt. Whether global climate objectives are met or not largely depends on the building sector. Over a third of the total energy consumption worldwide is used to operate buildings. At the same time, tried and proven solutions with which this consumption can be reduced to about ten percent already exist. How this works will be shown by experts of the International Passive House Association this Wednesday at the COP21 in Paris. Press Release
La Galerie des Solutions at COP21 | 2 - 9 December 2015, Paris
Exhibition and Workshop Programme: 2 December - 9 December
Passive House Institute Workshop: 2 December 16:45 - 17:30
Passive House Institute Workshop: 2 December 16:45 - 17:30
Passive House residents offer insights into buildings of the future
Press Release: 10 September 2015
Low-cost, comfortable, sustainable – that's the future-proof formula for the buildings of tomorrow. During the International Passive House Days from 13 to 15 November, everyone will be able to see how this concept is already working. Hundreds of built examples will be open for viewing. Experts will demonstrate how these buildings function, residents will talk about their experiences. An overview of the Passive Houses participating in individual cities and regions around the world can be found on: www.passivehouse-database.org.
Read Press release in English version | in German version | in Slovakian version | in Spanish version | in Danish version |
To find out more about this year's Passive House Days:
- in Sweden visit the IGPH website
- in Slovakia visit the iEPD website
- in Spain visit the PEP website
- in France visit the LaMP website
Component Award for ventilation in residential buildings
Cost-effective systems for broad application to be honoured
Darmstadt. Ventilation with heat recovery is absolutely essential in energy efficient construction. The application of such systems in practice often fails due to high costs, though. In order to promote low-cost approaches which can facilitate the breakthrough of this key technology in the mass market, the Passive House Institute has announced the Component Award 2016 for ventilation solutions for residential buildings. All-inclusive concepts are being sought for an existing building, which are not only highly energy efficient but also economical. The Award will be presented at the International Passive House Conference 2016 in Darmstadt. Press Release
2nd EuroPHit Newsletter is now out

Watch and learn more
24 June 2015 in Nice, France as part of the conference Nearly zero energy hotels our partners Francessco Nessi (ZEPHIR, at 2h 01') and Simon Camal (LaMP, at 4h 36') presented their experiences on their case studies and EuroPHit project.
Building efficiency is key to a sustainable energy future
Passive House Conference demonstrates potential of new builds and retrofits
Press Release: 23 April 2015, Leipzig, Germany
Leipzig. Energy efficient construction has never been so easy – and this is due to the increasing availability of suitable components. The key focus at the International Passive House Conference 2015 in Leipzig was on the latest developments in this area. Experts from around the world presented the enormous savings potential of certified windows, insulation systems and ventilation systems, and demonstrated their practical implementation. The lectures on 17 and 18 April clarified the importance of well-conceived and consistent action in the building sector for a successful transition to a sustainable energy future.
Press Release in English | in German version | in Italian version | in Bulgarian version | in French version | in Spanish version
Passive House Conference: Solutions for a sustainable energy future
Press Release: 17 April 2015, Leipzig, Germany
The Passive House Standard enables every building owner to benefit from the energy revolution, with certified components ensuring cost-effectiveness. This basic concept was the focus of the International Passive House Conference, held from 17 to 18 April 2015 in Leipzig. Speakers from all over the world presented exemplary projects and solutions for building systems, ventilation units and windows. An exhibition provided specific examples of products currently available on the market.
Press Release in English | Read more
Press Release in German version
Energy efficient windows for retrofits receive Component Award
Winners to be honoured on 17 April at the International Passive House Conference in Leipzig
Press Release: 25 March 2015, Darmstadt, Germany
The main challenge in the Component Award 2015 for Passive House windows was that the product had to show a degree of flexibility since refurbishments are often carried out in a step-by-step manner. Ideal windows had to deliver excellent results during the transitional period as well as after the completion of all refurbishment measures. The cost effectiveness of the windows was assessed first and foremost, with a comparison of purchase costs with potential savings. However, the jury also considered practicability, innovation and aesthetics. The award will be presented on 17 April at the International Passive House Conference 2015 in Leipzig.
The joint first prize of the Component Award 2015 went to:
- "System Connecta" by Optiwin (certificate )
- "Smartwin Compact S" by Lorber / Pro Passivhausfenster (certificate )
Two third prizes went to:
- "Energeto 8000 view" by Aluplast (certificate )
- "Pural Eco 90" by Pural GmbH (certificate )
Special acknowledgements were given to:
- "DWplus Integral" by Wiegand (certificate )
- "Null-Fenster" by Fanzola (certificate )
Read more here | Press Release in English | Conference Programme | Registration | Flyer Component Award 2015
Press Release in Czech version | French version | in German version
Have a question on step-by-step retrofits and financing?
EuroPHit and its project partners will have their own booth at the 19th International Passive House Conference as part of the Passive House Institute's exhibition. Come check us out at booth No. 3.7 in the exhibition hall at the Congress Center Leipzig. EuroPHit Partners will be on hand to answer all your questions! As part of the exhibition, energy efficient components suitable for step by step retrofits will also be on display. The component award will also be presented next to the EuroPHit booth and many Certified Passive House windows will be on display here.
Or come and learn more about step by step reftrofits at the 19th Passive House Conference Sessions and its Framework Programme.
New for 2015: Weekly EuroPHit discussion topics now on iPHA Forum
Participate now for a chance to win PHPP9 and designPH bundle or free iPHA Membership!
The concept of step-by-step retrofits varies greatly across borders and achieving incremental energy efficiency gains is increasingly an interesting discussion to be had at the international level. EuroPHit now has a dedicated place on the iPHA Forum where weekly discussions on step by step retrofits will be held. Experienced researchers of the Passive House Institute and EuroPHit partners are ready to answer your questions and share their experiences, including EuroPHit case studies. Topics range from certification, technical and conceptual details, project financing, product ideas and will also include weekly opinion polls.
All Forum participants with a minimum of 15 posts will be entered into a random draw for a chance to win one of 3 free bundle packs of PHPP9 and designPH or 3 six-month iPHA Memberships. Winners will be announced at the 19th International Passive House Conference. Still don't have access to the iPHA Forum? Sign up with the EuroPHit network, free of charge, and benefit from access to technical experts and experienced practitioners, and be kept up to date on project progress and key project outcomes.
Access the EuroPHit Topic Forum | Discuss the EuroPHit CALLs on Forum | Register for 19th Passive House Conference
Programme of International Passive House Conference 2015 now available
Press Release: 19 December 2014, Darmstadt, Germany.
The Passive House Standard enables every building owner to benefit from the energy revolution, with certified components ensuring cost-effectiveness. This basic concept will be the focus of the International Passive House Conference, held from 17 to 18 April 2015 in Leipzig. Speakers from all over the world will present exemplary projects and solutions for building systems, ventilation units and windows. An exhibition will provide specific examples of products currently available on the market. Press Release in English | Conference Programme | Registration
Press Release in Czech version | in German version
Concept of step-by-step refurbishment honoured with award
EuroPHit project relies on energy efficiency through quality assurance
Press Release: 20 November 2014, Darmstadt, Germany.
A concept developed by the Passive House Institute for the energy-focused modernisation of buildings has won first prize in a competition. The award jury especially lauded the approach of a "refurbishment road map" with appropriate individual steps. The concept was largely developed within the framework of the EU funded EuroPHit project. The intent is to provide both a certification of such "overall road maps" as well as an energy assessment of the individual refurbishment steps in the planning tool PHPP. The award was initiated by the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research in Heidelberg (ifeu).
You can read the article in Energieberater (in German) | Download the Schematic of the Step-by-step concept in English or German | Press Release in English
Press Release in Bulgarian version | in Czech version | in German version | in Spanish version
Component Award for windows in the context of refurbishments
Press Release: 12 November 2014, Darmstadt, Germany.
Replacing the windows in a building can improve its energy efficiency significantly. In order to acknowledge particularly suitable products, the Passive House Institute is announcing the Component Award for the second year. This time the focus will be on windows which provide good results both during a transitional period without façade insulation as well as after completion of the refurbishment. The winners will be presented at the International Passive House Conference, to be held from 17-18 April 2015 in Leipzig. Read more | Press Release in English| Download flyer
Press Release in Bulgarian version | in Czech version | in French version | in German version | in Spanish version
Italy's first Passive House School near Verona receives certificate
Integrated façade ventilation makes for classrooms flooded with light and fresh air
Press Release: 25 September 2014, Darmstadt, Germany/Verona, Italy.
Energy efficiency and climate protection are a learning process for everyone. Consequently, a school building is always an ideal object of study in the context of building construction. An excellent example of this has been inaugurated near Verona in Italy: the "Scuola Passiva Raldon" – the country's first Certified Passive House School. This new build combines high quality architecture with sophisticated building systems, featuring a special ventilation system integrated into its façade. Press Release
PHPP with Anglo-American measurement system now also available
Regular updates for Certified Passive House Components
Press Release: 16 September 2014, Darmstadt, Germany.
Passive House Institute, Darmstadt. A new version of the Passive House Planning Package (PHPP) is now available for sale. It allows complete data input based on the imperial system of units. The IPPHPP was developed specially for the North American market where this system is used by numerous designers and architects. Entering project data for Passive Houses, EnerPHit refurbishments or other highly efficient buildings will thus be facilitated greatly. Press Release
Hundreds of Passive House residents open their doors
International Passive House Days from 7 to 9 November 2014
Press Release: 2 September 2014, Darmstadt, Germany.
A Passive House building does not just save costs; one of the main advantages of this energy-efficient construction method is the high level of thermal comfort it offers. Those wishing to get their own impression will have the chance to do so during the Passive House Days event which is taking place from 7 to 9 November in many countries. Experts will demonstrate how it works, residents will share their experiences. An overview of the buildings being opened to the public in various cities and regions is provided on www.passivehouse-database.org.
Press Release in English | French version | German version | Slovak version | in Spanish version 1 | Spanish version 2
You can also read regional Press releases on Passive House Days 2014:
Passive House Days in South Dublin - EN
Passive House Days in Wicklow - EN
Passive House Days in Wilson Road - EN
Historical flair meets future-oriented energy concept
Inauguration of new Wilhelminian style Passive House building in Hamburg
Press Release: 25 August 2014, Hamburg, Germany.
Traditional architectural style and the Passive House Standard work together beautifully – this is demonstrated by a fascinating new build project in Hamburg. The "Haus Winter", designed in the traditional Wilhelminian style, blends seamlessly into the historical character of the district in which it is located. At the same time, this four-storey apartment block is future-oriented with regard to energy efficiency – made possible with the planning expertise of ZEBAU, a building certifier accredited by the international Passive House Institute. Press Release
Energy efficiency turning heads in the EU
17 June 2014. Energy efficiency is getting some much deserved attention in the EU of late as ministers from seven member states issued a letter urging the EU Commission to take a harder stance by laying out binding targets for 2030. With the current crisis in Ukraine as their starting point, the ministers affirm that the “reduction of energy consumption through energy efficiency is the most robust and cost effective means of increasing energy security and reducing emissions of greenhouse gases.” This letter comes in the run up to a review of the EU’s progress toward set energy efficiency targets for 2020 (see eceee.org review). In January, the Commission had suggested an obligatory 2030 target aiming for a 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, but had left energy efficiency out of the talks in anticipation of this summer’s review. The review has been called for as a result of the EU’s lack of headway towards the original and non-binding target of a 20% improvement in energy efficiency. According to the Euractiv website, a pre-review report sees vast benefits for the EU’s economy if a binding target of 40% were to be agreed.
Designers and architects gear up for the future of construction
Press Release: 10 June 2014
With the growing importance of energy efficient construction, the need for relevant knowledge is also increasing. Designers and architects around the world are therefore equipping themselves with the necessary expertise - the number of certified Passive House experts has now reached the 4,000 mark. In June alone, several hundreds of examinations were given in more than 30 countries, in Europe and North America as well as in South Korea and New Zealand. more
EuroPHit Newsletter 2014 is now out!
30 May 2014. Summary of what happened last year in the EuroPHit project is now available! Read it here.
Ukraine crisis gives weight to energy efficiency on EU agenda
15 May 2014. Following a call by 35 Ukrainian cities to increase the energy efficiency of their building stock in the name of energy independence, reports show that "fears of a gas crunch this winter have propelled energy efficiency to the top of the agenda." With the EU 2030 energy targets to be agreed in October of this year, it seems there is some recognition amongst the group of EU Energy Ministers that sharper retrofitting targets in the energy efficiency directive may be the way to go.
Read more on the EurActiv site.
Passive House: also a solution for hospitals
Key results of baseline study now available online on Passipedia
Press Release: 21 May 2014
Darmstadt, Germany. Hospitals are among the most energy-intensive of building types. Here too, the Passive House Standard provides a solution that results in considerable savings. The time is ripe to take advantage of this finding. In Germany, for example, many of the some 2000 hospitals are currently in need of refurbishment – likely a familiar situation in numerous countries. In the Hoechst district of Frankfurt an older hospital building is currently being replaced by a new build with a focus on maximum energy efficiency. The result will be the world's first Passive House hospital. Critical issues regarding the execution of this project were elaborated in a baseline study commissioned by the State of Hesse (in German).
A compilation of the overall key results of this study is now available online on Passipedia. Press Release
Conference showcases solutions for the energy revolution
International platform for sustainable construction from 25 to 26 April in Aachen
Press Release: 30 April 2014
There is a huge potential for saving energy in the building sector; how this works in practice was demonstrated at the International Passive House Conference in Aachen, Germany. On 25 and 26 April, experts from all over the world presented latest projects and practical solutions. An accompanying components fair provided with an overview of opportunities for practical implementation.
English press release German press release French press release | Spanish press release |
Component Award proves Passive House windows profitable
Twelve winners to be honoured at the International Passive House Conference
Press Release: 4 March 2014
The winners of the first ever Passive House Component Award have been selected - a total of twelve Passive House windows will receive recognition. The real winners, however, are the building owners, for the results of this international competition show that it is possible to save money with highly efficient building components.
English press release
German press release
Passive House experts provide solutions for energy revolution
2014 International Passive House Conference programme published
Press Release: 17 December 2013
Darmstadt/Aachen, Germany. When it comes to energy use, it is most sustainable to focus on efficiency first. With Passive House, this is also cost-effective. Practical examples of this approach will be presented by experts from around the globe during the 2014 International Passive House Conference and framework programme, to be held from 23 - 27 April in Aachen, Germany. New projects and the latest solutions in the area of energy efficient construction will be showcased by speakers in more than a hundred lectures. An accompanying trade fair will offer an overview of the breadth of possibilities available.
English press release
German press release
Positive response to Passive House Conference call for papers
More than 200 abstracts submitted international for conference in Aachen Darmstadt, Germany. The professional community’s interest in Passive House is as strong as ever: evinced by the over 200 submissions in response to the 18th International Passive House Conference call for papers. For the first time, all continents were represented, with abstracts submitted from a total of 31 different countries. A great many of the abstracts focussed on non-residential buildings and dissemination and implementation. The Conference Scientific Advisory Board selected the submissions to be represented in the Aachen conference programme last week. Their work was no doubt especially challenging, as all abstracts submitted were of a very high standard. Press release
EuroPHit project presented at Irish Passive House Conference
See the Light 2013 Conference, Dublin, Ireland
The Passive House Association of Ireland (PHAI) held its annual See the Light Conference in Dublin on Friday, 25th October 2013. The conference featured a line up of 33 excellent speakers from Ireland, the UK and Europe, including the founder of the Passive House movement, Wolfgang Feist. A series of award winning Irish and UK projects was presented, covering residential and commercial, new builds and retrofits. A lecture stream on the latest academic and industry research included a presentation on the EuroPHit project. Visit the conference website
Before the PHAI conference and in parallel to it, the fourteen EuroPHit project partners from across Europe took part in training sessions and carried out project meetings to discuss the project progress and dissemination.
Insights into buildings of the future
International Passive House Days from 8 - 10 November 2013
Press Release: 16 September 2013
Active participation in our energy future – experts will demonstrate how this is possible with Passive House while Passive House residents tell of their experiences. From 8 through 10 November 2013, for the 10th year running, the doors of hundreds of Passive House and EnerPHit buildings will be opened to the public. Visitors will be able to see for themselves how energy efficiency and extraordinary levels of comfort go hand in hand. Visits and guided tours will take place on this second November weekend in locations around the world. An overview of the buildings participating in this year's Passive House Days event can be found on the www.passivehouse-database.org.
English press release