
With the EnerPHit Standard as the goal and Passive House principles as the basis, EuroPHit applied knowledge on deep energy retrofits to the oft-overlooked yet critical area of step-by-step refurbishments.

Key project outcomes included the elaboration of:

  • Criteria and certification schemes for retrofits aiming for the EnerPHit Standard over the course of years
  • Financing models and market incentive programmes tailored to step-by-step retrofits
  • Design concepts and sound guidelines for the development of suitable, high performance building components
  • Specific energy balance tools for gradual energy retrofits
  • Training materials and workshops focusing on the specific needs of step-by-step refurbishment


This latest research on step-by-step retrofits has been put to use in the various building case studies involved in the project – showing the way towards an increasingly high quality, energy efficient building stock.