11th Final Financial Workshop

11th workshop held to explore the financing of energy efficient step-by-step retrofits in Spain

Date: 27th November 2015

Location: Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Auditorio Campus Ciutadella, Ramón Trias Fargas 25- 27, Barcelona

The official programme can be downloaded here (in Spanish).



Dr. Klaus Stocekr (IzN - left) is presenting at 10th Financial workshop in Barcelona, Spain. View on Plenum of Passivhaus Conference (right) Photos © IzN

In Barcelona was held the 10th financial workshop by  Georg Kraft and Dr. Klaus Stocker, with 15 participants. The project as well as financial schemes were presented also during the Passivhaus Conference on November 27, by Dr. Klaus Stocker, with about 250 participants.

You can download presentations from Financial workshops or browse other downloadable EuroPHit materials here.